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Go to: Literature: what to read | The Bike | Packing your bike | Your Body: getting ready for the trip | Life in Italy | Bike Friendly Hotels

I look at my bookshelf and see a fortune spent on guidebooks. Although I keep trying different brands and different writers, I always come back to the same two.

Michelin. The Green guides are simply superb. They are informative, well-written, easy to use, and erudite. If you have no other tourist guide but the Michelin, you will be fine. The green guides do not list restaurants and lodging. For that, Michelin has an exhaustive guide, the Red Guide. I find it helpful in that it lists exactly what the amenities of a given place are, but I like a bit more qualitative explanation.

Frommer. I have been using Frommer since the 60's when Arthur Frommer became deservedly famous with Europe on $5 a Day. His basic theme was that a tourist, by traveling like a European, can save money and really enjoy his trip by immersing himself into the culture of the country he is visiting. He's gone a bit upscale, and he has many imitators, but it's still the best of it's type. I have yet to disagree with a selection of a hotel made from his books. My Frommer's Tuscany and Umbria written by Reid Bramblett is starting to fall apart from overuse. If you go to my favorite areas, take this along. His selections are based around the budget of a normal middle-class American. Sensible, affordable hotels and restaurants that offer comfortable rooms and good food. Mr. Bramblett's explanations of the art of Italy are good, as well.

More travel chapters:

Literature: what to read | The Bike | Packing your bike | Your Body: getting ready for the trip | Life in Italy | Bike Friendly Hotels